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In today’s cut-throat competition, the companies are competing to establish themselves as brands. The competition has compelled the companies to create POD (Point of Difference) to achieve a unique position in the market. Since times immemorial, the market has suffered and been affected by different trends which have revolutionized the market to a great extent. From the barter system to production concept, to product concept, selling concept, and further to marketing concept followed by customer relationship marketing, market has been revolutionized from time to time. The next concept that is emerging at a rapid rate is emotional branding concept. The concept of emotional branding refers to make an organization/company a brand by using customer’s emotions. These emotions can be triggered through sense organs and psychology. The sense of sight, hear, smell, touch and taste may affect the customer to a great extent, so much that he/she might prefer that particular product or ser...
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International marketing is the application of marketing principles by industries in one or more than one country. It is possible for companies to conduct business in almost any country around the world, thanks to the advances in international marketing. In simple words, international marketing is the trading of goods and services among different countries. The procedure of planning and executing the rates, promotion, and distribution of products and services are the same worldwide. In recent times, companies are not restricted to their national borders but are open for international marketing. With the increasing change in customers' demands, choices, preferences, and tastes, the economies are expanding and giving way to more competitive marketing. Thus, organizations need to respond rapidly to the demands of customers with well-defined marketing strategies. The word "International Marketing" is defined as the exchange of goods and services across national borders...


Green marketing is the marketing of environmentally friendly products and services. It is becoming more popular as more people become concerned with environmental issues and decide that they want to spend their money in a way that is kinder to the planet. Green marketing can involve a number of different things, such as creating an eco-friendly product, using eco-friendly packaging, adopting sustainable business practices, or focusing marketing efforts on messages that communicate a product's green benefits. This type of marketing can be more expensive, but it can also be profitable due to the increasing demand. For example, products made locally in North America tend to be more expensive than those made overseas using cheap labor, but they have a much smaller carbon footprint because they don't have to fly across the globe to get here. For some consumers and business owners, the environmental benefit outweighs the price difference. Green Marketing Methods Beyond makin...


If you’re passionate about entrepreneurship and want to learn effective marketing skills that would not even fade away in long run, then you must start with the basics. Learning the relevant marketing skill sets is like owning an asset in future, because it might just inspire you to build your own team and chase your dreams together with the power of internet. Before we forward to the guide, you must be well-versed few crucial aspects of internet marketing when you are just building your startup. ·          Laying a strong foundation by choosing the appropriate market. You must choose your audience, marketing your work before everyone is a wasteful idea. ·          Keyword baiting: Selecting and using keywords to attract the audience, build backlinks, and gain good ranking on search engines is another crucial part of content creation and marketing. ·       Set your success st...


Marketing is a blooming field where each day, advancement in technology, advancement in marketing strategy is leading to revolution in overall international market. The problem that consumers may face in future is tapped by marketers in advance. Initially, the market was product based, then shifted to consumer based and now further shifting to consumer-product or product-consumer based marketing. Constantly at international level, marketers are conducting different surveys, setting up advanced research block with new tools and techniques. The upcoming strategy would, no doubt, allow marketers to treat consumers themselves, to be marketed under an exclusive brand. Marketing is a field interrelated with IT in such a way that as the technology progresses, innovative minds put in all the efforts to make marketing productive. Today, everything and everyone is marketed. Everything and everyone wants to be an exclusive and extraordinary brand. With rising marketing strategies, time is...


"Marketing 2.0" is the label being given to the new ways marketing is being practiced with Web 2.0 concepts and tools. While these new ways are particularly evident in marketing communications (how sellers and buyers talk to one another), they are affecting the entire practice of marketing. Several factors have contributed to the growing excitement amongst marketers about Marketing 2.0, including: (a) the growing availability of broadband Internet connections, (b) the much easier searchability of the Internet, (c) the increased experience and self-confidence of Internet users, (d) the increased skepticism of all corporate communications (from press releases to advertising), and (e) the increased physical separation of people (resulting in desires for 'virtual socialization'). Marketing 2.0 is all about tapping into the remarkable growth in 'social networking'. In many ways, Marketing 2.0 is an attempt to leverage an old marketing idea : potential cus...


Marketing 2.0 is, in some ways, a "paradigm shift" for marketers. The old paradigm (Marketing 1.0) has been characterized as 'top down, interruption marketing', meaning that sellers controlled what was said about their products and services, who got to hear their messages and when they heard them. The classic example of interruption marketing is the unwanted television commercial that appears just as the suspense is building on your favourite TV show. The new paradigm (Marketing 2.0) shifts much greater control of information flow to the potential customer. In this view, the customer chooses what information to examine, when to access it, and importantly, has the opportunity to add to the information flow that other potential customers may see. Some have called this a shift to "permission marketing" (the seller has to be invited into the customer's attention). Others have called this "conversation marketing" to express that customers can now ...