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Marketing 2.0 is, in some ways, a "paradigm shift" for marketers. The old paradigm (Marketing 1.0) has been characterized as 'top down, interruption marketing', meaning that sellers controlled what was said about their products and services, who got to hear their messages and when they heard them. The classic example of interruption marketing is the unwanted television commercial that appears just as the suspense is building on your favourite TV show. The new paradigm (Marketing 2.0) shifts much greater control of information flow to the potential customer. In this view, the customer chooses what information to examine, when to access it, and importantly, has the opportunity to add to the information flow that other potential customers may see. Some have called this a shift to "permission marketing" (the seller has to be invited into the customer's attention). Others have called this "conversation marketing" to express that customers can now dialogue with companies and with one another about what they want, what they like and don't like, what their experiences have been, etc. 

"Web 2.0 refers to a perceived second generation of web development and design that aims to facilitate communication, secure information sharing, interoperability, and collaboration on the World Wide Web." In other words, Web 2.0 is about all the new ways we are using the Web. Web 2.0 tools enable uncontrollable and Exponential dissemination of conversation marketing and permission marketing.


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