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Colours have been a part of recognition today. Each action and experience of our life can be represented by colours. Though these colours are given by Nature, we have been customizing it through our likings and preferences. Colour, thus, is an important emerging element in the field of marketing. The marketers are playing with colours to understand how colours as an attribute can enhance their product likings among the customers.
Every person has his/her own preference in colours based on some parameters like past experiences, eye appealing, aura generating, feeling of warmth or coldness, age, gender. Like, there’s a tendency to say that pink is for girls and blue is for boys. Though, it’s not true in all cases. There are basic twelve colours along with a lot of shades for each one of them. So, it would be highly inappropriate to come to a conclusion on the marketer’s end to decide which colour can get more customers, without any proper research or observation, because there are different niche in different segments and each having different tastes and preferences with respect to customers.
Colours are present in every product and even in its packaging. Which colour is catchy for one customer can be disappointing for the other customer because of difference in personal attitude towards that colour. In fact, colours are important in logos of the company too. Correct combination of colours is, thus, vital for creating product as brand. Some big companies analyse the customers’ likings and dislikings about the smallest of the elements of the product, but somewhere, colours as an element is negligibly considered.
Today, colours matter to customers more than products. Out of thousands of shades, a customer would associate himself/herself with a single colour shade. He/she would not get satisfied if that colour of the product is not available. Though functionality of the product is same, colour attribute differs and so, the customer is influenced and make one out of so many shades, his/her recognition.
Specially, in fashion, customers want such colours which are attractive and go with their accessories. When the customer goes to purchase fashion products, whether in physical outlets or online stores, marketers should analyse which colour the customers are more preferring over others. On the basis of this analysis, they should update their catalogs, physical evidence of the outlets, and should arrange the products in a way that customers can easily find them and purchase them.

In case of iPhone, company is bringing same handset in new colours and pricing them according to the colours. When a customer goes to purchase iPhone Gold, there is no probability of him/her buying any other iPhone. This is because today, colours instil confidence in the customers. If they don’t get the desired product in their desired colour, they will not buy that product. So, as earlier products satisfied customers, today, colour of the products satisfy customers more. Though, if rationally given a thought of it, marketers are fooling customers.


  1. Nicely explained color role in our life , Keep it up and boost our knowledge with your of luck.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful always have good humour in your much fun and easy to read.....keep it up.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful always have good humour in your much fun and easy to read.....keep it up.

  4. I think these three Colors - black, white and red get the most preferance in the market , right ? Nicely written by the way .

    1. We need to focus on other colours too because of different tastes and choices of consumers....thank you for the feedback..


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