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Customer connection is very important for the marketers, not just for gaining profit but also for understanding rapidly changing tastes and preferences of the society. Though this connection has been established from a long time, it is constantly upgraded either through reaching to customers by e-mails, SMS, phone calls or through extra discounts whenever they arrive at the stores.
Recently, emotions has paved its way in marketing field to attract customers to stimulate demand of the product leading to greater profit for the company. This can be understood as a part of customer relationship management, focusing on customer’s emotions to drive him/her to purchase the right product at the right time. These emotions should be so much appealing that once the customer feels connected with that product or service, it becomes difficult for him/her to detach from that product or service.
From years, marketers were persuading customers towards their product or service using customer’s senses (eyes, ears, nose, skin and tongue) very effectively. To go deeper, now customers themselves are being marketed by the company. Marketers are establishing customers as brands. This tool is the biggest achievement of the concept of customer relationship management but can be disastrous if not effectively used by marketers.

Customers as brands in themselves. A tough statement to digest and to implement. It’s a key challenge for marketers. How well can a marketer convince customer and get the customer to a stage much above the stage of delightedness, is the parameter to decide the success of the company. 


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