In today’s era, efficient use of marketing tools like advertisement through social media or paper media is the main objective of the company to astray the customers. Today media plays an important role in the fact of customers switching from one brand to another just because of being persuaded by the attractive forms of marketing going on.
Customers merely just go through the attractive characteristics without thinking of the benefits or harm that the product can do to the individual or the society as a whole. So it’s high time now that the customers become aware of the betrayal of the eye catching strategies like celebrity endorsement, extreme influence on the particular age group the product focuses on, etc.are adopted by the companies. Today when the customers go to buy products, 90% of them go with the price while only 10% are there who go with the quality. But in the coming era, as the new generation is arriving, they are understanding the need of satisfaction the product pays for the value they pay. If the product of particular brand is unable to satisfy their
needs, they go with the switching situation and start following the other brand.
It’s essential that customers today should have appropriate knowledge of the product they are going to buy. They should be aware of the guarantee and warranty of the product. Here guarantee may be treated as the formal assurity of the company to fulfil certain conditions if the product is not going to satisfy the customer while warranty may refer to an element of contract between the customer and the company. They should demand the best promising services after the sale of the product, if necessary written on a paper so that afterwards the company doesn’t put their feet back.
Other points which should be kept in mind are that if the product is eco friendly or not, durable or not, is the product worth your money or not. The customer should also check manufacturing date, expiry date, actual price of the product, ISI mark or Hallmark. These simple points when you remember will give you in-depth knowledge and benefits at later stages. Just have a look what the company is doing for the society. Is the company giving back what it has obtained from the society? In short is the company following CSR (Consumer Social Responsibility).
The customer when buying a particular product should feel that the company is emphasising on making the customer-company relationship healthy rather than merely selling the product. The seller’s attitude should be such that the customer feels that this product will give beneficial services at upcoming stages whenever needed.
Dear customers it’s highly recommended now that please understand and go through the benefits of the particular product rather than just for the sake of buying the product you are buying it. Please understand concept of needs, wants and demands. Don’t allow the marketing strategies to prevail upon you. Don’t try to become price sensitive rather become quality-sensitive. Don’t go through the sparkling gold because “All that glitters is not gold”.
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